Chemical Peels

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Chemical Peels in Lucerne Terrace, Orlando, FL at The Health Carpenter

Chemical Peels in Orlando, FL

A unique combination of ingredients is used in the VI Peel to improve the appearance of the skin. It involves the application of chemical solutions to the skin, which exfoliates and eventually peels off to reveal new, regenerated skin underneath that is smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin. The VI Peel can treat various skin issues, such as acne, scarring, fine lines, and sun damage, and works on different body parts, such as the face, neck, and hands.

Chemical Peels in Orlando, FL, are ideal for individuals looking to enhance the texture and appearance of their skin. It is effective for all types of skin, but it is particularly effective for those with acne, aging skin, and hyperpigmentation. Results from the VI Peel are typically noticeable within a week after the treatment as the skin begins to heal, with more significant improvements appearing over the following weeks. Depending on the skin’s condition and the care taken post-treatment, the effects can last for months. Book an appointment at The Health Carpenter in Orlando, FL, today to rejuvenate your skin and achieve more precise, radiant skin.

Benefits of VI Peel Chemical Peels:


Individuals with skin concerns like aging, hyperpigmentation, acne scars, or uneven texture can benefit from chemical peels.
Initial peeling typically occurs a few days after the treatment, with full results visible within one to two weeks as the skin heals and rejuvenates.
Results can vary but generally last several months. Maintaining skin health with proper care and regular treatments can extend these effects.
Some downtime may be required as the skin peels and heals, typically lasting a few days to a week. Common side effects include redness, sensitivity, and peeling.
Before treatment, avoid using products with retinol or doing any waxing. After treatment, protect the new skin with sunscreen and follow a gentle skincare routine as your skincare specialist advises.
The VI Peel is applied to the skin and left on for a specific duration before being washed off at home, as instructed by your skincare professional. You may feel slightly tingling during application, but it is generally well-tolerated.
The Health Carpenter in Orlando, FL
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